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 Application le Mage :p

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Application le Mage :p Empty
PostSubject: Application le Mage :p   Application le Mage :p Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2007 1:03 pm

1. Name, Race, Class? Skammer, Gnome, Mage
2. Do you have a functional Ventrilo 2.1? Yes
3. Do our raids hour suits you? ( 1800-2300 every raid) Ye.
4. How old are you? 18
5. Where are you from? Do you speak and understand english well? Yes
6. Do you have and other Raiding experience from raiding instances? Pre-TBC instances and TBC-instance: Full BWL, Mc, ZG, AQ20 till twisns in 40
7. What guild were you in before apply'd to us and why did you leave? None
8. Tell us about your gear? (Link is realy most wanted) Well, never thought about making an link for it, full blue with 1 epic, ill talk with CL Smile
9. Know anyone in the guild who can put in a good word for you? Moshimoshi
10. Is this your first MMORPG game? No
11. Why do you wanna join us? Cause, ive heard great things about you guys, and i got friends in the guild, and ofc the kick ass raiding
12. And why would we pick you? Well, youll find the answer in the force young padawan
13. Is there anything else you would like to add in your application? Beer+vodka in one mix = VERY BAD MIX Suspect
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Mage Classleader
Mage Classleader

Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2007-06-17

Application le Mage :p Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application le Mage :p   Application le Mage :p Icon_minitimeSat Jun 30, 2007 1:18 pm

Hey Skammer, I will talk with you in-game for more information Smile
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Application le Mage :p Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application le Mage :p   Application le Mage :p Icon_minitimeSun Jul 01, 2007 12:48 am

I would like to add, that at the moment is it on Magtheridon realm, and im gonna transfere it to Spinebreaker
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Application le Mage :p Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application le Mage :p   Application le Mage :p Icon_minitime

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