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 Semmonen, 70lvl mage

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Semmonen, 70lvl mage Empty
PostSubject: Semmonen, 70lvl mage   Semmonen, 70lvl mage Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 11:30 am

1. Name, Race, Class?
- Semmonen, human mage.

2. Do you have a functional Ventrilo 2.1?
- Yes I do

3. Do our raids hour suits you? ( 1800-2300 every raid)
- Yep.

4. How old are you?
- 19.

5. Where are you from? Do you speak and understand english well?
- Im from Finland and ye, I think I can speak and undestand english good enough.

6. Do you have and other Raiding experience from raiding instances? Pre-TBC instances and TBC-instance
- I have cleared full ZG, AQ20, MC, BWL & AQ40 pre-TBC and full Kara on TBC.

7. What guild were you in before apply'd to us and why did you leave?
- I have been in Outbreak, but left it when they migrated away.

8. Tell us about your gear? (Link is realy most wanted)
- Mmh.. dunno why, but I cant put the link for it in here. However you can allways see my gear on armory.

9. Know anyone in the guild who can put in a good word for you?
- Dunno.

10. Is this your first MMORPG game?
- Yup.

11. Why do you wanna join us?
- I wanna make some progress on good and friendly guild.

12. And why would we pick you?
- Well, I heard you are on need of mages and ppl asked me to make an application.

13. Is there anything else you would like to add in your application?
- Dont think so, but you can allways ask anything you want.
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2007-06-15

Semmonen, 70lvl mage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Semmonen, 70lvl mage   Semmonen, 70lvl mage Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 12:04 pm

nice apply semmonen!Smile ill have a word with the other officers and get back to you as soon as possible. Ty for ur patiance
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Semmonen, 70lvl mage
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