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 Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join

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Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Empty
PostSubject: Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join   Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2007 4:48 am


Your name: Mike
Age: 19 ( soon 20) Smile
Where are you from: Netherlands


Information about you character: Warrior lvl 70 tank spec
Ingame Nick: Hakkuh
Class: Warrior
Race: Dwarf
Level: 70

What equipment are do you have? i Have some nice equipment from kara
like the T4 helm and other gear. I also achieved exalted with HH and got my sword from it. And i managed to get my Shield with the heroic badges.
I have 14.4 k armor and 12k health unbuffed. my def is 518


What is your raiding experience with this class? my raiding with this class is Karazhan full didn't do Netherspite and the other dragon boss but did prince etc. and tryed high king Mulgaur with a old guild from me but we wiped, a few times,
I can raid everytime in one week other week i can play after 10 because of my shifting hours with work
Ventrilo: i got ventrilo yes, but i dont know if its to got 1 but if not i can always get the good version from Ventrilo or TS which i have


Guild info:
Which is your current guild? I dont got a current guild atm cause i left mine. i was in unique and Amagawd

Why do you want to join Save the Murlocs Cause i think you guys are good and fun i know some people in there and wana have some fun with you guys and raid ofc, =)

I got Deadlyboss mods ,CTMOD,Titan, CT raid assist, and if other addons are needed im willing to get them
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Number of posts : 5
Age : 38
Registration date : 2007-06-16

Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join   Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2007 5:54 am

Hakkuh is a good guy, just got unlucky with guilds. Has pretty good gear too Smile
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Number of posts : 37
Localisation : Hell
Registration date : 2007-06-15

Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join   Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Icon_minitimeWed Jul 04, 2007 6:50 am

i'll contact you ingame
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Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join   Warrior 70 Prot specced wants to join Icon_minitime

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