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 Lällää lvl 70 (retri)

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Lällää lvl 70 (retri) Empty
PostSubject: Lällää lvl 70 (retri)   Lällää lvl 70 (retri) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2007 10:28 am

1. Name, Race, Class?
Lällää, Dwarf, Paladin

2. Do you have a functional Ventrilo 2.1?

3. Do our raids hour suits you? ( 1800-2300 every raid)

4. How old are you?

5. Where are you from? Do you speak and understand english well?
Finland, My english is good but not the best.

6. Do you have and other Raiding experience from raiding instances? Pre-TBC instances and TBC-instance

7. What specc are you? and are ypu willing to respecc for PvE purpose?
Im retri

8. What guild were you in before apply'd to us and why did you leave?
it's good day to die, wanna raid!

9. Tell us about your gear?

10. Know anyone in the guild who can put in a good word for you?

11. Is this your first MMORPG game?

12. Why do you wanna join us?
wanna go to raids and get friendly guild.

13. And why would we pick you?
Im beatifull.
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Number of posts : 5
Registration date : 2007-06-15

Lällää lvl 70 (retri) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lällää lvl 70 (retri)   Lällää lvl 70 (retri) Icon_minitimeThu Jul 05, 2007 3:21 pm

declined! if you cant even put 5minutes in a apply why should we even bother reading it.
Also we dont recruit retradins. good luck in finding another guild // cactues
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Lällää lvl 70 (retri)
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